♻️   Join our Recycle + Save Program. Return your empties and get 5% discount! Learn More

Recycle + Save

Recycle + Save

In line with our Sustainability Agenda, we rolled out a Recycle Program for our dearest baddies in alignment with the Global Sustainable Development Goals.

The global beauty and wellness industries produce 120 billion packages every year, giving us 120 billion reasons why we created our Recyle+Save program.

When next you shop at the Beauty by AD, drop off those empties (instead of throwing them away) or leave your new product jackets and join us in doing better for the planet. ♻🌍 

You can now drop off 5 empties to earn 5% off your next purchase, in-store or online!

You ask why is Recycling Important?

  1. Protects Ecosystems and Wildlife
  2. ⁠Conserves Our Natural Resources
  3. ⁠Saves Energy
  4. Reduces Carbon Emissions
  5. Educates People About the Importance of Protecting the Environment.

Ready to Save the Planet?

Click below to pledge.

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